Lifestyle + Self-Growth ILY Studio Lifestyle + Self-Growth ILY Studio

What Selfhood Means to Me ...

Selfhood to me involves stimulating myself mentally and physically. It's important to me to stay active and set an example for my daughter so she understands the benefits of exercise. Mentally, selfhood means continuing to allow myself time to learn and giving myself time to read about things that interest me and stimulate my brain. 

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Lifestyle + Self-Growth ILY Studio Lifestyle + Self-Growth ILY Studio


I started this company inspired to help other mothers be happier and healthier. I never believed it would be where it is today. I still work a full-time job and stay up to ridiculous hours of the night working away, but I know it's all worth it! 

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Health & Fitness ILY Studio Health & Fitness ILY Studio

Active Rest

We're back to reality today after enjoying a ton of "active rest" over the long weekend! So I didn't actually get in any workouts the past couple of days, but we were definitely on the move!

Active rest involves replacing your formally planned workout with another, less intense form of exercise. Don't get this "rest" confused with sitting on the couch watching Netflix.

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Health & Fitness ILY Studio Health & Fitness ILY Studio

Health & Fitness Myths Uncovered!

There are some common health and fitness myths that never seem to get old. One being that lifting weights will make you big. THIS IS A MYTH!

Fact: as women we really don’t have the testosterone to put on big and bulky muscle. So if you are avoiding the weights, think again. Resistance training will actually help you lose weight faster and probably keep it off in the long run.

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