Health & Fitness ILY Studio Health & Fitness ILY Studio

Ain't No Thing But a Kettlebell Swing

If you knew me pre-Harper, I could be found in the gym 6 days a week for hours at a time. Things have changed and prorities have shifted; exercise is often 20-30 minutes at a time now and usually done in the comfort of my 800 square foot condo. Otherwise, I'm sneaking out at lunch hour to get in a quick workout at the local Goodlife. 

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Health & Fitness ILY Studio Health & Fitness ILY Studio

What's New In Fitness?

Out with the old and in with the new? Not so fast! I try my best to keep up with the hottest new trends in fitness, but sometimes the best moves are the old school traditional ones done years and years ago.

Here are three somewhat “new” fitness classes to hit the scene, which I think are worth checking out!

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Health & Fitness ILY Studio Health & Fitness ILY Studio

Baby Steppin' Back into Fitness

It's the weekend and there's lots to do, but if you do have a few extra minutes for a quick read about easing back into fitness after having a babe, check us out on The Rebel Mama blog. We touch on optimal postpartum moves to partnering with a pelvic floor physiotherapist! If you're also wondering if I saw a Pelvic Floor PT, I did. I went to the Proactive Pelvic Health Centre and I highly recommend them if you're local to Toronto!

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Health & Fitness ILY Studio Health & Fitness ILY Studio

Fascial Stretch Therapy

How many of you mamas are rolling it out? I definitely don't use my roller as much as I should to help massage out that muscle tightness (my mini plays with it more than I do) and let’s be serious, what I really needed was some major work to strengthen, lengthen and basically balance out my entire body! I had my first Fascial Stretch Therapy session this past weekend with the amazing trainer, Sarah (IG: @thestretchtherapist) and it’s changing my life - how I walk, stand, and exercise.

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Health & Fitness ILY Studio Health & Fitness ILY Studio

Mom Bun Life

It's the long weekend here and it's also NBA All Star maddness here in Toronto ! MOM BUN LIFE JUST GOT REAL!!! But before we chill out and keep up with all the NBA activity happening in the city, we're going to squeeze in a kettlebell workout:

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Health & Fitness ILY Studio Health & Fitness ILY Studio

30-Day Challenge Progress: Cheryl

NTM 30-Day Challenge Progress: I couldn't help but share the progress of one awesome mama from the January 30-Day Challenge. Cheryl is a full-time teacher and mother to 2-year old Charlotte. I am so proud of Cheryl because in 30 days she lost 10 lbs., 4 inches off her waist and 3 inches off her hips!! AMAZING!! Plus, she trimmed a total of 5.5 inches off her thighs. The numbers are incredible, but the most important thing is that Cheryl feels healthier, happier and better about herself; she is driven to keep on going!

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Health & Fitness ILY Studio Health & Fitness ILY Studio

Baby got back.

As I speak to more and more mothers, there are common concerns that always come up including the fluffy tummy, the flat butt and the flabby back. Don’t we all wish to go back to the days when we could wear a tank without worrying about that awful “bulge under the bra”?

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