#MCM Mommy Crush Monday - Reese
#MCM Mommy Crush Monday goes to the beautiful Reese Witherspoon who is an avid runner and was also on a recent cover of Women's Health Magazine. 💪🏼
We've joined the Rebel Mamas!
It's official - No Tummy Mommy is now part of The Rebel Mama tribe as a fitness & health contributor. If you've never checked out the blog, you're missing out. This is definitely no ordinary "mom blog".
Arm Yourself, Mama!
Did you know that almost all mothers out there complain about flabby and out-of-shape arms?! You're not alone because this is an area of concern for many ... especially us moms. Despite lifting and lugging a diaper bag, a toddler and loads of groceries on the daily, we still want to tighten and tone our arms. Those tasks alone are a pretty decent arm workout, but if you want to get serious about shaping those arms of yours here are a few simple exercises you can try all in the comfort of your own home!
Keepin' 2016 Resolutions Real
If getting fit or improving your health is on your "resolution" list this year, you're not alone. More than 80% of people feel the same way every year. But how do we keep our resolutions real ... this is how:
Eggceptionally Healthier Eggnog
We're still managing to get our holiday workouts in when we can, but we're also enjoying the traditional festivities. Hope everyone is having a happy and healthy holiday season so far! Drink lots of water and take it easy on the eggnog, mama! And if you are going to over-indulge in the eggnog, try this healthier version:
Healthy Habits Over The Holidays
‘Tis the season when gingerbread and eggnog become more tempting than ever! Not to mention, hovering over the cheese platter at holiday parties often has you wishing you wore elastic-waist pants and not your super tight skinny jeans.
When In You're In The Zone, Nothing Can Stop You!!
Here are three ways to get in THE ZONE:
Mommy Crush Monday - Sheryl Sandberg
#MCM Mommy Crush Monday goes to Sheryl Sandberg, who is Chief Operating Officer of Facebook and a mother of 2!
"Easy Like Sunday Morning" Workouts
As moms, we need effecient, but effective workouts. A lot of us don't have time (especially on the weekends) to get into the gym or to make that bootcamp or yoga class. So here are three "Easy Like Sunday Morning" kettlebell circuits that you can do in 15 minutes and feel great about! Psst ... if you don't have a kettlebell, you can get them at Winners or Walmart for under $15. Start with an 8-10 lbs. kettlebell and perfect your form before going heavier!
Mommy Crush Monday #GiadaDeLaurentiis
#MCM Mommy Crush Monday goes to 45-year old Giada De Laurentiis who is a chef, author, tv personality, but most importantly she is a mother! With all the cooking and eating she does on the daily, she stays strong and slim by practicing yoga 5 days a week. Plus she says she eats a bit of everything and not a lot of anything!
Mega Moves To Lift Your Mom Butt
We all know the "mom bum" is real! Yes, squats are great for building the booty, but let's not forget about the lunge. You can even do different variations of the lunge to better target the mom butt and work on lifting your behind! Happy hump day, mommies!
Meditation For The Modern Mama
I've been insanely busy with my full-time job, No Tummy Mommy and day-to-day mommy duties that I just need to stop and take a breather. I am now making a promise to myself to set aside 5 minutes a day to meditate ... and believe all mothers can relate and benefit from just a few minutes of meditation each day.
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!
I’m pretty sure most of you mamas went apple picking with the fam last month. Yay for you because the benefits of this fruit are endless - from whitening teeth to a healthier heart! My daughter goes through about a dozen a week - not even joking!
The Home Workout That Didn't Happen ...
She was being so silly we didn't even get to work out ... and I was totally okay with that! I'd take giggles over burpees any day!
Dress Your Guests
Thank you so much to the ladies of Dress Your Guests (DYG) for featuring us on their amazing blog that is composed of everything from fashion to fitness, but all around fun!
How Many Calories Are You Burning When You ...
My workout partner had a little too much sugar in her coffee this morning! Hoping you all get that extra pep in your step today!
Mommy Crush Monday - Goldie Hawn & Kate Hudson
#MCM Mommy Crush Monday goes to this beautiful duo Goldie Hawn and her daughter Kate Hudson- who is a mother of 2, swears by Pilates and is the co-founder of Fabletics! We love these two mamas!
Travel Workouts
We just got back from a week in the Dominican and had a chance to relax and reset! We did have some time to put in some short workouts, but we didn't let them get in the way of beach time.
30-Day Progress Update - Emily, Mom of 2
30-Day Progress Update: Emily is a working mom of two who knew something needed to change after months of eating out, too many Timmy's drive thrus and minimal activity. She was determined to better her health and so she did! In just 30 days (yes, 30 DAYS!!) she dropped 3.5 inches off her waist, clothes were fitting better ... and now she has more energy to play with her daughters.
Mommy Crush Monday - Zoe Saldana
#MCM Mommy Crush Monday goes to 37-year-old actress Zoe Saldana - she stays fit with running and yoga! Who doesn't love this gorgeous mama of twins?