"Easy Like Sunday Morning" Workouts

As moms, we need effecient, but effective workouts. A lot of us don't have time (especially on the weekends) to get into the gym or to make that bootcamp or yoga class. So here are three  "Easy Like Sunday Morning" kettlebell circuits that you can do in 15 minutes and feel great about! Psst ... if you don't have a kettlebell, you can get them at Winners or Walmart for under $15. Start with an 8-10 lbs. kettlebell and perfect your form before going heavier!

Kettlebell Circuit 1

20 Swings
15 Squat & Press
10 Around-the-Body-Pass
Repeat AMRAP in 15 minutes.

Kettlebell Circuit 2

20 Swings
20 Figure 8s
20 Goblet Squats
Repeat AMRAP in 15 minutes.

Kettlebell Circuit 3

10 One-Arm Swings (each)
10 One-Arm Press (each)
10 Rotating Lunge with Twist (each)
Repeat AMRAP in 15 minutes.


We know it's the holidays, so hopefully you can squeeze in these 15-minute workouts in your day between parties and gift wrapping. You got this, mama! But please stay tuned for our top tips for staying healthy through the holidays!

Coming soon ...


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