Six Steps to Superior Self-Love
As mothers we’re always putting ourselves on the back burner and we’ve been told time and time again to practice self-love, but just how do we do it?
Self-love starts with slowing down and taking a few deep breaths. It begins with setting aside much deserved ‘ME’ time. It’s a challenging concept to grasp when you might be juggling a full-time job and day-to-day mom duties. I'll be honest, I feel like a hot mess most days especially with a new baby and chasing around a 5-year-old. Regardless of the stage, we all know motherhood isn’t easy and we can all agree it's worth it, so it’s exactly why we need to practice optimal self-care … we need to be the best mothers we can be for our little ones.
“Definition of Self-Love (noun \ˈself-ˈləv\)
a: love of self
b: regard for one’s own happiness”
There is nothing selfish about self-love. ‘Mom guilt’ can often get the best of us, but a healthier mother (mentally, physically and emotionally) is by far a happier one. Can I get an Amen?!
Here are 6 tips to promote superior self-love:
1. Meditate it Out, Mama
The benefits of meditation are endless – from improving your patience to enhancing mental clarity. Start with even 1-2 minutes a day practicing stillness and focusing on your breathing. Your urge to start tackling your to-do list or to pick up your phone to check the gram might make this challenging, but fight the urge and just … sit ... still. Try this first thing in the morning before starting your day or just before bed when the kiddies are fast asleep.
2. Sweat. Sleep. Repeat
Exercise helps to release endorphins, otherwise known as your happy hormones. Make sure you get your daily dose – even if it’s 15 minutes a day of walking on your lunch hour! It’s equally important to allow for proper rest and recovery. Every mama needs her beauty sleep!
3. Make Food Your Fuel
Mothers often skip meals because we’re always on the go and surviving on coffee to keep going. I'm guilty of this! But this stops now. Make a commitment to eat balanced meals and snacks throughout the day. Good nutrition goes a long way and you won’t have to succumb to a calorie-loaded frappacino at Starbucks when hunger hits!
4. Practice Positive Affirmations
Your mind is a powerful thing, so be mindful of your thoughts. Put out positive vibes only and don’t forget to recognize your own personal strengths and accomplishments each day. Celebrate small wins (like the baby taking an extra long morning nap) and be kind to yourself! Remember, positive thoughts equal positive things.
5. Give Out an Attitude of Gratitude
Being thankful and self-love go hand in hand. It’s a proven fact that when we are grateful for things in our life, we naturally start to feel better. Try thinking of 3 things you are thankful for at a moment you feel upset or angry; you will be surprised at how quickly your mood changes.
6. Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Truth is, no one really knows what the heck their doing! We all make mistakes and motherhood is no walk in the park. We’re all learning along the way. Forgive yourself and learn from each circumstance. Every day is another opportunity to make things right.
Self-Love is the one prerequisite to loving others. It’s your right to nurture yourself and you will be a healthier and happier mother as a result. I hope by reading this you feel better already. Remember mama, you are truly beautiful inside and out!
Trisha xo