The Future is Female!

I always thought I would have boys and now that I have two girls I couldn’t see it any other way. In my opinion, daughters are just the best! In the spirit of Mother’s Day, I wanted to share why I love having daughters!


1.    They Make Me A Better Woman.

As a mother of daughters, I want nothing more than for them to grow up to be strong and confident little ladies. With this intention and knowing that children learn from us as parents, it naturally motivates me to be just that: strong and confident. I consciously put away the negative self-talk because if I want my girls to love themselves, then I sure as hell better show them that I can do the same. Those little eyes are always watching mommy, so they have made me raise the bar for my own good too!

2.    Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice.

From tutus to tiaras, having a little girl helps me embrace my femininity. The phrase "The Future is Female" might be over 40 years old, but today it has more meaning than ever as I raise two girls. Women fought hard for their rights and will continue to fight to have their voices heard. With that said, I want my daughters to never be afraid to stand up for what they believe in. 

3.    Positive Impact on My Relationship With My Mom.

Having daughters has really made me look at my mom differently. I realize why my mom did some of the things she did when I was growing up. I hold my little girls and know how my mom must have felt raising me. Oh my gosh, I feel bad for times I mistreated my mother as a teen and thinking back to those moments, I can only imagine how I would feel if my daughters ever did the same to me.

These are just three of my reasons why being a #girlmom is pretty amazing! I also asked some of my fave IG mommy friends to share a sentence or two about why they love having a little girl (or girls) in their life. 

Joanne @GoFitJo

If you aren't already following this mama, you have to! She's the go-to for everything fitness and lifestyle. Plus, her posts are guaranteed to have you feeling inspired to do more and LOVE more.

She shares a few words about having daughters: "I love having daughters because everyday I learn a little bit more about myself and I discover a different side of me every time I sit and teach them how to be a relentless woman."


Diala @DialasKitchen

If you love food, you will love what Diala is cooking up on her IG feed. But besides being awesome in the kitchen, she's also a mother of two! She says, "I’m blessed with 2 beautiful daughters and what I love the most about about having them is to see Gaby and Isabella grow into kind and thoughtful human beings."


Joanna @lazymoms

I love following Joanna's motherhood adventures with her two beautiful daughters. When I asked her why she loved having girls, she said: “ I always dreamed of having daughters. I imagined raising strong girls who’d become funny and interesting women. And it’s even more fun then I imagined, as I see how much we have in common and how much they teach me about pushing my own boundaries.”


Catriona @cocoandcowe

I am always blown away by Catriona's words and impactful posts. I'm truly inspired by this "girl mom" right here, so I had to ask her what she loves about having a daughter. In her words, "I love being a mother to my daughter because her love, openness, insights and even her struggles, push me to be a better woman."


It's an incredible thing to raise daughters who will grow up to be the strong women of our future. I hope that this coming Mother's Day we can take the time to appreciate all the superwomen in our life and in our community because they are all daughters too!

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