Do Not Feed the Trolls!


I wasn’t going to write about this, but if you know me then you know that I’m a pretty sensitive person. So after getting hit from a bunch of trolls online recently I thought I should write a little something … just because.

Despite the fact the people who write these random comments or send me ridiculous DMs and emails about the name “No Tummy Mommy” mean nothing to me at all, I can’t help but feel a little hurt by it. Blame it on my postpartum hormones being out of whack or the major sleep deprivation, but this post is just to clarify that the name “No Tummy Mommy” was by no means a way to shame a woman’s body.


We Rise by Lifting Others

Initially I had started responding to some of these people explaining that my blog was based purely on promoting an active lifestyle with my daughter and that I have never (ever) talked about having a 6-pack or placing negativity around a mother’s tummy. If you have been following my journey you know that I regularly speak about balance and the importance of incorporating activity into your day. My intention was always to be viewed as an advocate for positive health with an emphasis on getting the whole family (specifically my daughter) involved too! My goal has been to help women be more comfortable and confident with their postpartum bodies.


The name No Tummy Mommy was simply a nickname that my brother coined for me after having Harper, but was not meant to downplay what a mother’s body is capable of doing … and that is creating a human being. He thought it was catchy and cute and that was it. For the record, after having kids I have never had abs and nor did I ever care to have them. Again, my focus was always about promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle and following that motto myself.


It upsets me how people can easily be so rude behind a computer screen without taking the time to really get to know what I’m about or what the message behind No Tummy Mommy really is. Who even has time to write negative sh*t anyway? Let’s be kind people and use social media to bring each other up instead of putting each other down. And for goodness sake, if you can’t be kind … please just be quiet!

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