Exercise Your Baby’s Brain Muscles!

Confession: I’m a science geek at heart! I tutored chemistry and biology in high school and also graduated from the Life Sciences program at the University of Toronto. I’ve always had a love for science. The human body and brain and its capabilities intrigued me most. When I became a mother, this love for science grew deeper. I was curious to learn how various things impacted a baby’s development, such as sleep, touch and the sound of music. 

I read so much on different ways to exercise a baby’s cognitive skills. It was amazing what I learned. There is so much research on how music can build a baby’s brain and after reading more about this, there was no doubt in my mind that I would make music a very big part of Harper’s life early on. She attended music classes at the age of 4 months old and we would sing daily in our home. I also believe music really helped us bond as a family. 


Backed By Science

When I had my second baby, this passion to bond through music continued. This time I was introduced to an amazing new musical app called Smart Start. It combines The Royal Conservatory’s internationally acclaimed early childhood music programs with the latest findings in neuroscience research. My kind of combination! What’s more, I didn’t have to leave my home to experience its benefits. It’s literally like having a music class in my pocket!

I found with baby #2 it has been a little harder to organize outings and activities - isn’t this always the case? The fact that I could access high quality musical activities right from the comfort of my living room was genius. Plus, the Smart Start app is backed by science and developed in conjunction with a neuroscientist. All the more reason to love it! 


Work Those Brain Muscles

As you know, I believe in the importance of following a healthy lifestyle that includes balanced nutrition and regular activity. Exercising our brain should be a part of our fitness routine too! As adults, reading, writing and listening or learning to play music are great ways to for cognitive development. For babies, we should start exercising their cognitive skills from the very beginning to help build their little brains. The Smart Start appis by no means an app for them to use and does not encourage screen time. Instead, this app is a tool for us moms to help build our baby’s brain through music and movement all while bonding with them too! It’s a double #momwin!

Unlike many apps out there, The Smart Start appwas specifically designed to kick start a baby’s brain development through song and movement focusing on attention, memory, perception and cognitive functions. 

Truthfully, I have never been one to download a million apps on my electronic devices, but this is one I encourage all moms to try. The app offers both free and paid programs and is totally worth it for your little ones between the ages of 0 and 12 months of age. For example, 10 Little Fingers & 10 Little Toes is a highly interactive set of songs that help your baby develop their sensory systems and understand how their bodies interact with the world around them. It’s also only $3.99 for a 12-song album!

There are so many songs to choose from – ones that focus on sleep and relaxation and others that focus on the development of the sensory systems. I love it so far and so does baby Noa. Right now her favourite song is Criss-Cross Applesauce. The Smart App is like having our own little music class at my fingertips! Once you download it, let me know if you love it too!


Photography by: Leon Chai Photography