Lessons From Quarantine

As our world starts to reopen and make a slow shift back to “normal”, I wanted to take a moment to document some of the simple lessons I learned during our 3-4 months in quarantine. I believe that these truths should always be remembered because this pandemic was far from easy, but it has helped many of us make shifts in our life for the better. Let me explain further.


Health is Wealth

COVID-19 sadly took many lives, old and young. It didn’t discriminate. We were told to stay out of doctor’s offices and take care of our health at home in the best way possible. As parents we did our best to keep our kids illness-free and clear of accidents to avoid any non-essential visit to the hospital. Health is our greatest wealth and we learned to cherish it more than ever over this quarantine.

The Gift of Time

It was a bit of a blessing in disguise to be stuck at home. We got to spend more time as a family than we ever have in years. We enjoyed quality time and ate meals together. We slowed down. I remember racing around everyday pre-pandemic thinking there was never enough time in a day and then this happened. We were given the gift of time.

Fitness on a Budget

I have been guilty of splurging on fitness passes and membership fees in the past and sometimes not making the most of the money I spent. The past 3 months I re-discovered my love for home workouts. There are so many free workouts out there (including my 7-day routine which you can download here) and other virtual classes that don’t break the bank either. Of course, I will always love the gym, but it was a good reminder that workouts can still be done in the comfort of our own home.

Creativity is Everything

Many of us had to put our brains to use and get creative with ideas to keep our little ones busy. We took out our arts and crafts, baked banana bread and made family room forts. We saved money and still had fun. We realized that life at home wasn’t so bad after all.

Take it to Nature

Without parks and playdates, many of us took it to nature. We went for walks and hikes and enjoyed all our beautiful world had to offer. We searched for bugs and collected pine cones. We breathed fresh air. I hope we never forget to return to nature months from now.

So Long Perfectionism

The last 3 months we learned how to let go of perfectionism and embrace this new normal. Homeschooling at the kitchen table, snacks all day long and movies on a Friday morning. There is something beautiful about just going with the flow.

We Mastered our Mindset

Talk about the power of mindset. We learned to be strong for our littles one during this time. We showed them how resilient we are. We could’ve succumbed to watching the news 24/7 and letting it break us down. Instead, we kept our head up and reminded our little ones that there is light at the end of this tunnel. The most special experience happened for me and Harper over this quarantine; we started our 1-minute morning mediations live on Instagram. It is the best way to start our day and something we will continue even after all of this is over!

I know none of these past few months of the pandemic have been easy and it’s not over yet, but I am hopeful and hope you are too. I believe the best is yet to come and that our world will come out even better!
