Reasons Why Good Design is Expensive
what if cost is an issue
Even if your budget is tight, your priority should always be to find a good designer you trust who will do a great job. Surround yourself with people who dream as big as you do. It is crucial that when you look for the right graphic designer, you find one whose vision aligns with yours — someone who is excited to work with you and dreams just as high. Finding the cheapest designer is not necessarily the best way to go. As the saying goes: "You get what you pay for". Below you will find the top 5 reasons why good design is expensive and what lies behind the scenes.
Before we start designing, we always begin with the brand strategy. That means taking the time to do the research and study your business. We start by sending you a brand questionnaire that needs to be filled out. After, we schedule a strategy session, present you with the brand outline, and identify the next steps in the growth process.
Clients may never see the actual work that goes on behind the scenes. Therefore, it might be hard for them to understand how much time we spend on the design creation. The reality is that great design does take time. It takes hours and hours of work to create high-quality content that aligns with the brand vision & mission.
As with any profession, a designer is well aware of what fee is fair based on their talent, skill and experience in the industry. You will usually pay a higher price for a designer with many years of experience under their belt. That usually guarantees high-quality and well-thought designs and a better understanding of your brand. A good graphic designer has to know what your brand is missing. Therefore, it is true: you do get what you pay for.
Great design does not only improve the appearance of your feed, but it has a positive impact on your business. It helps you boost sales, attract your target audience, increase brand awareness, gains customer loyalty, and so on.
Marketing agencies have various expenses to pay, such as taxes, business tools, outsourcing, marketing, accounting and so on. These costs are already included in the pricing packages and may not be visible to you. However, they are an integral part of every agency and are impossible to omit.
If you're interested in hearing how we can support your brand and business online, click here. We would love to be a part of your journey!