Mommy Stretches

With exercise aside, even minor parenting tasks like carrying your diaper bag and running after your toddler can make your body stiff and achy. For this reason, the advantages of stretching range from improved posture to stress relief. 

As a mom, it's common to experience tightness throughout different parts of the body. Here are my top 5 stretching moves that are perfect for mommies:

1. Cat-Cow Stretch 

This is great to help mothers who are constantly picking up their toddlers or babies. Get down on all fours with your hands beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips, neck in line with your spine. Slowly round your back by tightening your abs and tucking in your pelvis (above); hold for five seconds. Then allow your back to sag toward the floor as you lift your chest and head; hold for five seconds. Repeat 10x.

2. Alternate Stretch

Start on your hands and knees. Position your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your knees directly beneath your hips. Have your fingers fully spread and pointing straight ahead. Make your back horizontal and flat. Toes pointing downwards. Lift left leg and right arm at the same time keeping

body horizontal. Hold for 5 seconds. Pause before swapping sides. Alternate with each other leg and arm. Repeat 10 times. This is also a great stretch for those mommies spending lots of time lifting and carrying their babies.

3. Hip Flexor Lunge

This is great for those mommies who are always chasing around their little ones. Start by Lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart, heels slightly in front of your knees. Rest your arms palms-down at your sides. Inhale and pull your belly button in toward your spine as you slowly curl your back off the floor, pressing your feet into the floor to engage your glutes (below). Exhale at the top and press your pelvis toward the ceiling. Hold for up to five seconds, then slowly roll down to starting position. Repeat two to four times.

4. Shoulder Bridge

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart, heels slightly in front of your knees. Rest your arms palms-down at your sides. Inhale and pull your belly button in toward your spine as you slowly curl your back off the floor, pressing your feet into the floor to engage your glutes (below). Exhale at the top and press your pelvis toward the ceiling. Hold for up to five seconds, then slowly roll down to starting position. Repeat two to four times.

5, Neck/Shoulder Stretch

For all those times you lugged around that heavy diaper bag, this is a great stretch to help release tension. Sit on a backless chair with your feet on the floor (you can also sit on the floor in cross-legged position). Place your left arm behind your waist and grasp your left wrist with your right hand; gently pull your left hand toward the right side of your body (left), then look over your left shoulder. Keeping your shoulders level, squeeze your shoulder blades back and together. Hold for up to 30 seconds; release and switch arms.