Tips For Successful Family Travel

We all know that traveling with little ones isn’t always the easiest, but it sure is worth it after all is said and done! It really is true when you they say that when traveling with your children you are giving them something that can never be taken away: experience, exposure and memories that will last a lifetime!

With summer break upon us, I thought it would be a perfect time to share some of my tips for making the most of family travel. It won’t be perfect, but at least we can stay sane and have the most fun possible.

Here are my 10 Tips For Successful Family Travel

Consider a Hotel Staycation

If you’re not yet ready to hop on a plane with your little ones, a local staycation is a great option. We really enjoy them and there is a lot less to worry about being closer to home. My only suggestion would be to pick a hotel that has a pool and caters to families. Kids love breakfast in bed, so make sure there’s a solid kids menu available. When opting for a staycation in Toronto, I love The St. Regis! Even upon arrival the kids are greeted with new stuffies!

Prioritize Your Flight Times

This sounds so basic, but I have always been very particular about flight times. I know that nothing good will come from a flight that arrives home past midnight and that arriving at a resort past dinner time will result in angry (and HANGRY) children. I say it’s worth every penny to book a flight with a decent arrival and departure time.

Snacks For Days

When flying/driving I always make sure to pack all my kids’ favourite snacks. Gummies, chips, crackers … you name it! One entire backpack might even be all their snacks and I tell you, it has saved me from many meltdowns while on the go.

Variety of Activities

Sure an iPad is great, but get creative with all the other activities you are bringing along on your travel days. Often I’ll pack lots of paper for sketching, crayons, markers and stickers. Additionally, I often buy some new books to surprise them with on the plane.

Don’t Forget To Download

While we’re on the topic of activities, don’t forget to download their favourite shows so that they can watch without wifi. Also spend some time uploading new apps and games to keep them busy! The girls love cooking games!

Fail to Plan + Plan to Fail

I know there is beauty in spontaneity, but I have to say that having a plan and even somewhat of an itinerary will help prevent boredom and breakdowns when that indecisiveness kicks in on what to do next. Have a plan of what you’re going to do that day, be clear on how you’re going to get there (and back) and what you’re going to eat! Hungry kids don’t always make the best company :)

Invite Some Friends

We have found that some of our best vacations have been those where we have been away with friends who have children around the same age. Everyone has the best time because parents get adult conversation and kids have each other to play with. Win/Win! On that note: opting for an air bnb that fits everyone over a hotel makes for extra fun for all! If you are planning an all-inclusive for the family down south, we love The Grand Cana in The Dominican Republic!

Get Recos

It’s so important to spend the time doing your research in advance of a trip. Speak to friends and ask for their recommendations on where to go and what to do while you’re away. Getting real feedback on an excursion might just save you from a mini meltdown! This also saves you from doing a lot of homework!


I find that when you have things booked before you get to your destination, you are more likely to have mentally prepared yourself for what is going to go down. It also gives you time to set things up for the day ahead. I should also add that it makes all the difference when you give yourself plenty of time for anything travel (and kiddie) related.

Let Go of Perfection

The most important rule is to try and be present and enjoy the trip even if it’s not exactly the glamorous vacation you envisioned. There is so much beauty in the chaos of it all and like I said in the beginning, the best part about traveling with kids is you are giving them something that can never be taken away: exposure, experience and memories!

Wishing you an amazing summer and hope you get to squeeze in lots of family vacations during the break!