Content Planning for the Win!

by the creative co.

Do you want to produce a week of quality content in a few hours? We all want to save time and be more organized, especially when doing social media planning.

I often hear people saying:

  • “It takes me hours to create one post!”

  • “I do not know what to post on IG.”

  • “I do not understand what I am doing wrong.”

This is what most of our clients tell us during our strategy sessions.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ And although we understand that creating quality Instagram content takes time and effort, we don’t think it has to be troublesome and difficult.

Thus, we decided to share these five time-saving hacks to make your content creation process easier and faster.⁠⁠

  1. Preview feed colours

    Plan your feed colours ahead of time to ensure your grid will look great. Use apps that can help you with feed layout & planning, such as Preview, UNUM and Later. Eliminate the posts that don’t match your feed to save time. Make sure you love your feed layout!

  2. Content batching

    Focus on each stage of the content creation process at a time. Dedicate time to researching ideas and writing copy for posts. Then move on to designing numerous posts at once. I always save ideas before moving on to the creation process. This helps me save time and avoid procrastination (no chance you’ll get distracted!)

  3. Templates

    Automate as many processes as you can - create templates for posts. I have templates set up for each colour in my palette with various texts/fonts and layouts. Create graphic templates for your stories, reels, posts and pins to save time!

  4. Save content

    Use Instagram to do your research. Find quality content and save ideas that inspire you. Use them to get creative and create your future posts.

  5. Limit time online

    This might sound counterproductive, but limiting time on Instagram to 2-3 times per day can make you even more productive. Set time restraints for your social media use, and only log in when you have a purpose. For example: to reply to comments/DMs or to post.

We hope that you will find these tips helpful! Contact us if you have any questions or book a free consultation to understand how we can help you level up your personal brand and business!