I am a WE Families Ambassador!!

It's official - No Tummy Mommy is a WE Families Ambassador! We recently attended the first WE Day Families event here in Toronto and felt inspired more than ever to give back in simple, meaningful ways. 

I was so moved by the event and the speakers that I have to share it with you! So for all of you who weren't able to attend, you can now tune into the upcoming We Day Broadcast. From the comfort of your own home, you can enjoy all the performances from iconic celebrities and speakers and get that convo going with your own family to explore how you can make a difference by living WE in your home. 

WE Day Toronto broadcast will premiering on Monday, November 28, 2016 at 11 p.m. ET on MTV and Much, and will also be airing

  • Tuesday, November 29th at 8 pm EST on MTV
  • Saturday, December 10th at 7pm EST on CTV

So if you're wondering why No Tummy Mommy has teamed up with WE, this is why: My goal is to raise a caring and compassionate child who wants to take action to help improve the lives of others in our community and abroad. 


Did you know that studies show that young people who volunteer are more likely to do well in school to graduate and vote? Even small actions can make a big difference when it comes to our young people's grades, friendships and self-esteem! 

As a WE Families Ambassador I want to help inspire other families to find a cause that matters to them and encourage them to also take action to make change happen. I also want my daughter to be motivated to do the same! I will be sharing my journey as a WE Families Ambassador and how I'll be living WE at home. Please follow along and learn how you can become part of the WE movement too!

But first ... tune into the WE Day Toronto Broadcast and you are guaranteed to feel inspired!!